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The 15 largest shareholders of Duroc are listed below.

21 066 783 9 933 217 79.5
B share: 21 066 783
C share: 9 933 217
Equity %: 79.5
Vote share%: 79.5
2 925 341 0 7.5
B share: 2 925 341
C share: 0
Equity %: 7.5
Vote share%: 7.5
412 000 0 1.1
B share: 412 000
C share: 0
Equity %: 1.1
Vote share%: 1.1
388 605 0 1.0
B share: 388 605
C share: 0
Equity %: 1.0
Vote share%: 1.0
231 753 0 0.6
B share: 231 753
C share: 0
Equity %: 0.6
Vote share%: 0.6
225 130 0 0.6
B share: 225 130
C share: 0
Equity %: 0.6
Vote share%: 0.6
200 000 0 0.5
B share: 200 000
C share: 0
Equity %: 0.5
Vote share%: 0.5
198 611 0 0.5
B share: 198 611
C share: 0
Equity %: 0.5
Vote share%: 0.5
185 894 0 0.5
B share: 185 894
C share: 0
Equity %: 0.5
Vote share%: 0.5
174 890 0 0.4
B share: 174 890
C share: 0
Equity %: 0.4
Vote share%: 0.4
171 314 0 0.4
B share: 171 314
C share: 0
Equity %: 0.4
Vote share%: 0.4
151 018 0 0.4
B share: 151 018
C share: 0
Equity %: 0.4
Vote share%: 0.4
150 569 0 0.4
B share: 150 569
C share: 0
Equity %: 0.4
Vote share%: 0.4
100 000 0 0.3
B share: 100 000
C share: 0
Equity %: 0.3
Vote share%: 0.3
2 483 875 0 6.4
B share: 2 483 875
C share: 0
Equity %: 6.4
Vote share%: 6.4
Amount 29 065 783 9 933 217 0 0

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